The Effects of Globalisation on Educational Research: Reflections from the Global Educational Agenda
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Aina Tarabini
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The process of globalisation has given rise to new challenges for contemporary educational research. It not only modifies its object of study but also its methods of analysis. The aim of this paper is to reflect on these challenges through the results of research on the global education agenda. This research focuses on the relationship between education and poverty, exploring the global education agenda in this field, its effect on national education policies and its effects on dynamics, practices and devices developed at the local scale. After explaining the objectives, development and main results of the research, the article argues the need for contemporary studies in the sociology of education to move away from methodological ‘nationalism’, ‘statism’ and ‘educationalism’ in such a way as to capture the effects of globalisation on both education policies and systems.
sociology of education, education policy, international organisations, poverty, education
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How to Cite
Tarabini, Aina. “The Effects of Globalisation on Educational Research: Reflections from the Global Educational Agenda”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 98, no. 2, pp. 405-26,
Author Biography
Aina Tarabini, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Aina Tarabini és doctora en sociologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i professora del departament de sociologia de la mateixa universitat. És especialista en sociologia de l'educació i política educativa. Les seves principals línies de recerca es centren en analitzar els impactes de la globalització sobre l’educació i en estudiar les relacions entre educació, pobresa i desigualtatsMost read articles by the same author(s)
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