Capitalism, Computing and Technoscience: The Thesis of the Neutrality of Technology in the Contents of the LOMLOE

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Manuel García Domínguez

The reduction of technique to the technical object, characteristic of the thesis of the neutrality of technology, is a proposal openly criticised from different positions which, in order to define technique, propose the need to speak also of the technical whole. This technical ensemble refers to the material and imaginary dimensions in its manufacture, distribution, use and end of life as inseparable from the technical object. In the light of the work of Adrián Almazán and Lewis Mumford, a critique of the neutrality of computational technologies is raised, focusing on their affinity with the ideology of progress and its corresponding notion of nature as an object of quantification, domination and exploitation. I will focus on the eco-social dimension of the material and symbolic technical ensemble of computing from a critique of the capitalist-colonial system and its extractivist expression. After that, I will study the perpetuation of the thesis of the neutrality of technology, as well as the assumptions that support it, in the contents related to the digital competences of the LOMLOE. Finally, I point to the intersection between ecological humanities and critical pedagogies as a way to elaborate an ecosocial education that overcomes the neutralist approach offered by LOMLOE.

Technology, Neutrality, Computing, Capitalism, LOMLOE

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How to Cite
García Domínguez, Manuel. “Capitalism, Computing and Technoscience: The Thesis of the Neutrality of Technology in the Contents of the LOMLOE”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 24, pp. 17-36, doi:10.1344/oximora.24.2024.43801.
Author Biography

Manuel García Domínguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Graduado en 'Filosofía' por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y estudiante del grado de 'Matemáticas' por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia y del Máster Oficial de Ética Aplicada por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He colaborado con el Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas tanto en las prácticas de grado como en una estancia financiada por la Fundación Max Mazin y con el Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia de la UAM gracias a la Beca de Colaboración del MEPF. Finalmente, he participado en la organización y comunicación de una decena de congresos nacionales e internacionales y trabajado como data scientist en el Grupo Publicis.