The paradox of time in Stoic education
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Dana Zahan
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
This paper aims to analyse the relation between education and time in the writings of Seneca. The Roman philosopher distinguishes real life (vita otiosa) and unreal life (vita desidiosa). In this way, he associates time with virtue or with vice. But the time of virtue isn’t in fact eternity? And is time of vice nothing, non-existence? Education represents a transition from vice to virtue, and in this process the really important is the scope. Education, since it represents transition, should evolve in time. Given the fact that the end of the educational process at Seneca is virtue, as likeness to God, the situation could be diferent.
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How to Cite
Zahan, Dana. “The paradox of time in Stoic education”. Ontology studies, no. 11, pp. 29-37,