Design de jogos e a experiência de exploraçao de espaços
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Ricardo Nakamura
Pedro Gardel Câmara
There are several questions about the relationship between game design and
player experience in the creation of games for entertainment. We present, in
this paper, the methodology and results of research composed of activities of
analysis of digital games and an experiment of user observation, with the goal
of determining the requirements for digital games that promote fun by means
of the experience of exploration.
player experience in the creation of games for entertainment. We present, in
this paper, the methodology and results of research composed of activities of
analysis of digital games and an experiment of user observation, with the goal
of determining the requirements for digital games that promote fun by means
of the experience of exploration.
Paraules clau
design de jogos, level design, experiência de jogador, análise de jogos, jogos digitais
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Com citar
Nakamura, Ricardo; and Gardel Câmara, Pedro. “Design de jogos e a experiência de exploraçao de espaços”. Obra digital: revista de comunicación, no. 5, pp. 20-35,