About the premiere of Poder i santedat by Manuel Molins
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Francesc Foguet i Boreu
Poder i santedat (Power and Holiness) by Manuel Molins, premiered at the Teatre Principal in Valencia on October 16, 2020, suffered attacks from various sectors of the far right who wanted to ban it. This article examines the meaning of the text, the research done by the author in order to write it, the controversy generated by the show and its critical reception. It also appreciates the importance of the premiere –one of the most ambitious from an aesthetic and ideological point of view in recent times– in the scenic, cultural and political context of the Valencian Country.
Contemporary Catalan Theatre, Manuel Molina, Censorship, Authority, Vatican
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How to Cite
Foguet i Boreu, Francesc. “About the premiere of Poder i santedat by Manuel Molins”. Marges, Els: revista de llengua i literatura, no. 124, pp. 100-16, https://raco.cat/index.php/Marges/article/view/409404.
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