Fanny, by Carles Soldevila: a Reading from Subaltern Studies
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Xavier Mas Craviotto
This paper offers an analytical approach to the power dynamics that can be found in the novel Fanny (1929) by Carles Soldevila, taking as its starting point the double subordinate condition of Fanny in terms of gender and social class, and paying special attention to the technique of the stream of consciousness used by the author as the vehicle of the main character’s voice. The paper is based on theorizations about the notion of subalternity (notably Antonio Gramsci, Subaltern Studies Group and Gayatri Spivak), which, along with related concepts and authors, constitute a useful theoretical framework for the analysis of the power relationships and subordination dynamics throughout the novel.
Carles Soldevila, Fanny, subalternity, intersectionality, contemporary Catalan literatura, Catalan Philology
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How to Cite
Mas Craviotto, Xavier. “Fanny, by Carles Soldevila: a Reading from Subaltern Studies”. Marges, Els: revista de llengua i literatura, no. 124, pp. 35-62,