Epistolari entre Eugeni d’Ors i Antoni López Llausàs, 1941-1954

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Anna Romero Sire
Jaume Subirana Ortín

The letters between Catalan philosopher Eugeni d’Ors and his publisher in Argentina Antoni López Llausàs after the Spanish Civil War show the remaining links between an expatriate publisher and a key writer who had become a key figure in Franco’s regime. Their letters expose the many constraints which surrounded the survival of publishers and writers under francoist cultural politics, and how Ors took both official and non-official paths to promote his published works, stengthen his influence through cultural networks and to find scholarly opportunities such as his second trip to Argentina in 1950. His late works published at Sudamericana reinforced a vision of culture, history and civilization which was indebted to the long-lasting peace of totalitarism and to services paid during the Spanish war.

Eugeni d'Ors, Antoni López Llausàs, cartes, editors, política cultural, postguerra, franquisme, Argentina, propaganda

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How to Cite
Romero Sire, Anna; and Subirana Ortín, Jaume. “Epistolari entre Eugeni d’Ors i Antoni López Llausàs, 1941-1954”. Marges, Els: revista de llengua i literatura, no. 121, pp. 63-114, https://raco.cat/index.php/Marges/article/view/397045.