The first century of fantastic translations, before «L’Arcà» and «2001»

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A. Munné-Jordà

The first translations of fantastic literature were published in the volumes of the collection «Biblioteca» of the Diari Català (1879-1880) and in other collections also linked to newspapers, at a time when there was not enough public to undertake independent editions. In the second decade of the 20th century, some commercial publishers or linked to the Mancomunitat arose. After the first dictatorship there is an outbreak of editions, interrupted by the war. After some attempts in the fifties, the reprise began in the sixties and it was consolidated in the seventies, after the death of the dictator. In 1983 with «L’Arcà» and in 1984 with «2001» the first collections devoted to science fiction, fantasy and terror appeared.

Catalan literature, fantastic literature, science-fiction, fantasy, terror

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How to Cite
Munné-Jordà, A. “The first century of fantastic translations, before «L’Arcà» and «2001»”. Marges, Els: revista de llengua i literatura, no. 119, pp. 70-80,