Llengua oral i models de parla: el «grau zero» en l’oralitat?
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The oral language has been revalued in many ways for some years, largely due to the impact of what has been called «new technologies». Surely also because the need for rhetoric and stylistics (more or less based on the traditional ones) has again been appreciated, and because pragmatics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis have made oral language more visible. This has led to the finding of the scarcity of reference models on this dimension of the language and at the same time to become aware of its diversity, imbricated with the functional and cultural diversity of the society that welcomes and uses it. To propose reasonably models for orality implies first being aware of this iversity, and then basing them on a set of concepts (adequation, norm, style) that end up specifying in a set of properties (argumentative capacity, naturalness, empathy).
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