When the language learner meets the written word

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Ana Leonor Teberosky Coronado
Maria-Josep Jarque
This article presents some reflections on language teaching and literacy that we consider fundamental in the instruction processes. It defends the conceptualization of language as an activity. It addresses some of the effects of learning to read and write on the individuals that are related with the representation of their own language and the use of other semiotic systems. Moreover, it deals with the relations between orality and writing, their impact on the linguistic structure, and the differences between graphic system and written language. These issues influence the ways of teaching: teaching activities, the input the children receive, multimodality, the teacher’s guidance, as well as the use of external linguistic instruments.
literacy, language teaching, written language

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How to Cite
Teberosky Coronado, Ana Leonor; and Jarque, Maria-Josep. “When the language learner meets the written word”. LSC– Llengua, societat i comunicació, no. 14, pp. 68-81, https://raco.cat/index.php/LSC/article/view/313494.