The compatibility between the systems for registering working hours and the right to data protection of the worker
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Montesdeoca Suárez, Arturo. “The compatibility between the systems for registering working hours and the right to data protection of the worker”. IUSLabor. Revista d’anàlisi de Dret del Treball, no. 1, pp. 168-12, doi:10.31009/IUSLabor.2022.i01.07.


The clarification in a reliable, objective and accessible way of the ordinary working day has not always had the same treatment since initially it was only foreseen for certain labor figures. Precisely, as a result of the different jurisprudential fluctuations on the obligation of time registration, this conflict is ended with the approval of RD-L 8/2019. In this sense, given the generalized mandatory imposition of time registration, different applications are implemented that allow this data to be stored digitally. In this regard, another secondary obligation arises for the employer, the processing of biometric data, an issue that will be the subject of discussion in this paper.
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