Justice, artificial intelligence and right of defence

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Elena de Luis García

Artificial intelligence is a reality that procedural law cannot escape. The advantages they present in terms of cost and time for the Administration of Justice are undoubted, and even on certain occasions, they can contribute to achieving a more objective result. However, their benefits are as visible as the potential risks to the fundamental rights and safeguards of the process. Characteristics such as opacity or fallibility can irremediably affect the right of defense and contradiction. In this situation, we must consider what future we do want, that is if algorithmic justice is unstoppable, how we want it to be set up in the process. This can only be done by establishing a legal framework that identifies existing risks and proposes measures to alleviate them. All this with the aim of combining efficiency and effectiveness, so that we can enjoy the advantages these new tools offer us, but without this leading to a reduction in the fundamental rights and guarantees of the process, since these are and should be a limit never exceeded in the use of artificial intelligence systems in the process.


artificial intelligence, algorithms, predictive justice, right of defence, contradiction

Article Details

How to Cite
de Luis García, Elena. “Justice, artificial intelligence and right of defence”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 39, pp. 1-12, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i39.417164.
Author Biography

Elena de Luis García, Universitat de València

She is currently a member of the research project Keys for a digital and algorithmic justice with gender perspective (PID2021-123170OB-I00) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and a member of the MEDARB research group of the Universitat de València since 2016. Her most recent line of research focuses on the use of predictive justice tools in the criminal process and their impact on fundamental rights and procedural safeguards.


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