The BORIS system and the beneficial ownership registries at the service of the prevention of money laundering

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Noemí Jiménez Cardona

In a context of digitization and algorithmization of justice, the relevance of the Beneficial Ownership Registers Interconnection System (BORIS) within the European Union is analysed. The focus is on examining the role that our Registry of Beneficial Ownership is called upon to play in fighting against the proliferation of opaque corporate structures and shell companies linked to money laundering and other economic crimes by reinforcing transparency and access to information regarding the actual beneficial ownership of companies. After studying the main lines of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/269 of the Commission, Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, issued for the transposition into our legal system of the Directives on money laundering, the Royal Decree Draft by which the Registry of Beneficial Ownership is created and its Regulation is approved (submitted in March 2022), and the STJUE of November 22, 2022, there is an urgent need to face a legislative reform at European level that clearly defines what can be understood by legitimate interest in accessing data on beneficial ownership, on the understanding that this definition must be sufficiently broad, in terms of “sufficient” and “proportionate”, to prevent obtaining this data from becoming impossible in practice.

money laundering, beneficial ownership registration, principle of transparency, personal data protection, right to privacy

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How to Cite
Jiménez Cardona, Noemí. “The BORIS system and the beneficial ownership registries at the service of the prevention of money laundering”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 38, pp. 1-11, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i38.413496.
Author Biography

Noemí Jiménez Cardona, Postdoctoral researcher. University of Barcelona

Research professor of the Department of Private Law of the University of Barcelona. PhD in Business Law. She is the author of three scientific monographs on Competition Law and of different scientific articles related to the Law of Societies and ADR. She is part of the Consolidated Research Group in Commercial Law (2017SGR1782) and participates in different research projects.


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