Tax regime of invoicing software of business owners and professionals
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In the battle against the production, commercialization, use or simple possession of IT programmes and systems that allow for the manipulation or concealment of the accounting, invoicing and management data of business owners and professionals, the General Taxation Act has introduced a new formal tax obligation as well as a tax infraction that attempts to prevent IT systems that enable the falsification of the economic reality of one’s accounting, invoicing and management or that do not guarantee integrity, conservation, traceability and inalterability in accounts, nor their accessibility or readability on the part of the competent entities of the taxation administration. In this same vein, there is a regulatory proposal in the development of such material that establishes the requirements that IT or electronic systems must adopt when they handle the invoicing processes of business owners and professionals, in addition to the standardization of invoicing account formats. Similarly, it is foreseen that all IT systems used to comply with the obligations contained within this law are obligated to contain a declaration of responsibility which is formally recorded, issues by the person or body that produces, manufactures or develops the same, which ensures their commitment to supplying digital products that comply with the requirements established by the General Taxation Act and regulatory development.
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Rafael Oliver Cuello, Professor of Financial and Fiscal Law. ESERP Business & Law School
Doctorate in Law (University of Barcelona, 1997). Accredited Professor (AQU Catalunya, 2008). Collaborative Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (since 1999). Previously Associate Professor at Pompeu Fabra University (2004-2013), Full Professor at ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull (2001-2004) and Interim Full Professor at the University of Lérida (1997-2001).
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