Metaverse and NFTs: new technological challenges in direct and international introduction

Main Article Content

Ignasi Belda

This article analyses and develops the tax implications of two emerging concepts: the metaverse and NFTs. In terms of the metaverse, it analyses the taxation of four digital businesses that can be performed within it, such as digital advertising, e-commerce, buying and selling user data and buying and selling digital objects through NFTs, while linking it with the legal concept of nexus or connection point. In turn, the specific case of NFTs is studied in depth, in particular, their subjection and tax qualification for Value Added Tax, in accordance with a recent binding consultation issued by the Directorate General of Taxes. The article also compares the North American and European regulations and the tax challenges that arise according to the interpretations offered by the tax authorities, namely the violation of the principle of neutrality in the art market and the clear indirect disincentive imposed by the European legislator to domicile companies buying and selling NFTs in European territory.


Metaverse, NFT, cryptoeconomics, taxation

Article Details

How to Cite
Belda, Ignasi. “Metaverse and NFTs: new technological challenges in direct and international introduction”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 37, pp. 1-12, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i37.403678.
Author Biography

Ignasi Belda, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

He holds a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence and has been outstanding during his entrepreneurial career in the field of biotechnology having founded several companies, such as Intelligent Pharma, and has received fifteen awards throughout his career, the most noteworthy of which being the Princess of Girona Award in 2014. He has held various public positions of responsibility, such as General Manager of Barcelona Science Park or Vice President of APTE, Spain’s network of science and technology parks. Currently, he is working on a second doctoral thesis in Tax Law, having completed his master in Taxation.


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