Platform Economy and Product Liability: Old Rules for New Markets

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Tomás Gabriel García-Micó

According to statistics, Amazon is one of the most-used online marketplaces worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns to reduce the spread of the virus have shown how critical online marketplaces are to enable e-commerce and keep commercial transactions alive, especially in such times when regular commerce is disrupted. However, when we buy online, we have no chance of examining whether the product works or whether it is defective. If something goes wrong when we buy a product from a third-party seller through Amazon, as consumers, we then face the challenge of trying to file a claim for the damages that might have arisen due to the defectiveness of the product. This article explores Amazon’s position in this scenario, with reference to the case law from both US and EU courts and regulations, not solely from the point of view of Product Liability Law, but also according to the E-Commerce Directive liability.


platform economy, Amazon, product liability, defective product, tort law

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How to Cite
García-Micó, Tomás Gabriel. “Platform Economy and Product Liability: Old Rules for New Markets”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 35, pp. 1-24, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i35.378523.
Author Biography

Tomás Gabriel García-Micó, Pompeu Fabra University

Tomás Gabriel García-Micó is currently a Ph.D. of Law candidate, with a dissertation on the intersections between law and new surgical technologies (i.e., surgical robots) from a comparative law perspective. In addition, he teaches several courses on Law, Economics and Labor Relations degrees (both tutorials and lectures). As of today, he has been visiting researcher at the China-EU School of Law (Beijing, September 2019) and at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King's College London (London, January-April 2020) under the supervision of Prof. Roger Brownsword, member of the TELOS research group. 


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