Report from the 3rd UOC-CEJFE Conference on Criminology: Cybercrime and Victimization

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Josep Maria Tamarit Sumalla

The 3rd Conference on Criminology, organized by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) and the Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Formación Especializada (CEJFE), took place on 30 January 2013 in Barcelona. The subject chosen for this third conference was “Cybercrime and Victimization: Pornography and Harassment”. It was attended by some three hundred people and could also be followed over the internet. The sessions can be viewed here: <>.

conference, criminology, cybercrime, victimization, pornography, harassment

Article Details

How to Cite
Tamarit Sumalla, Josep Maria. “Report from the 3rd UOC-CEJFE Conference on Criminology: Cybercrime and Victimization”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 16, pp. 91-96, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i16.1935.
Author Biography

Josep Maria Tamarit Sumalla, UOC

Lecturer and Director of the Criminology Programme, Law and Political Science Department, UOC