How the way of the arrest of the main carer can result (eventually) in the victimization of the children under his care
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Police detention arrest is usually the beginning of a period of emotional shock for families, especially for children when the arrested person is their main carer. After a brief presentation of two actual cases, in which children have witnessed the detention of their father, this work analyses the regulations relating the detention, particularly in terms of location and time of detention, as well as the rights of the relatives of the arrested person. The effects that the arrest of the main carer could cause in the children under his care are analyzed below. Having highlighted different practices which can be extremely harmful and traumatic for children, this leads us to assert that these children may be treated as a victims of crime. At this point, the principle of the “best interests of the child”, that our legal system recognized, should be enough to avoid those practices during the arrest of the adult which can inflict unnecessary harm on children and reduce their rights. Lastly, in order to minimize the adverse effects that the arrest of the main carer can cause in children, this paper proposes a set of guidelines for police with several measures according to children’s rights.
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Carmen Navarro, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Carmen Navarro is full professor of Procedural Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a collaborating lecturer at the Open University of Catalunya. Her PhD obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. The main aspects of her research have been focused on criminal process, and particularly on the enforcement of prison sentences. Carmen is part of the research group “Desistance from crime and reintegration policies” at UAB. She has written four books regarding sentence enforcement; alternatives to prison; and women’s imprisonment. She has also contributed in collective works and articles in specialized journals. She has supervised 8 PhDs and a large number of final master projects. She currently teaches in the Degrees of Law and Criminology at UAB and UOC, as well as in different postgraduate courses. Carmen has a degree in Humanities from UOC.
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