Conference on the training of experts in mediation and quality standards

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Aura Esther Vilalta

On 21 January, a Conference on the occasion of the European Day of Mediation dedicated to Mediation training and quality standards was held at the headquarters of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC); the subject was closely linked to the specialisation course on civil, commercial and receivership mediation offered by the Studies of Law and Politics of the UOC.  Relevant experts and scholars in the sector were invited to reflect on the training of these professionals in order to ensure certain quality standards and respect for the principles that the Mediation Act establishes in a sector in clear growth and with great potential in the legal field.


mediation, adr, odr, online mediation, conflicts resolution

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How to Cite
Vilalta, Aura Esther. “Conference on the training of experts in mediation and quality standards”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 20, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i20.2611.
Author Biography

Aura Esther Vilalta, UOC

Assistant lecturer in Civil Law

Studies of Law and Politics