The future of visual literacy: Assessing artificial intelligence generated image detection

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Sergio Gutiérrez Manjón
Bruno Castillejo De Hoces

The increasing use of artificial intelligence and its generation of images has had a significant impact on our communicative practices. This way of relating to images requires a series of competencies associated with visual literacy. This study analyses the competence of people to detect images created by algorithms using Stable Diffusion. A comparative study was conducted with 132 individuals, selected by discretionary sampling according to their familiarity with J.R.R. Tolkien's transmedia universe, to determine whether their prior knowledge of the imagery of an image condition their ability to detect its origin. The results show that those under 25 possess better visual literacy skills, regardless of their familiarity with the image. It is concluded that there is a need to improve the visual literacy of those over 25 years of age so that they can identify and critically evaluate this type of images, especially in cases of misuse.

Transmedia, Visual literacy, Artificial intelligence, Communication, Visual reading, Detection

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Manjón, Sergio; and Castillejo De Hoces, Bruno. “The future of visual literacy: Assessing artificial intelligence generated image detection”., no. 26, pp. 37-46, doi:10.31009/
Author Biographies

Sergio Gutiérrez Manjón, Complutense University of Madrid

Sergio Gutiérrez Manjón. He is a Postdoctoral Researcher (POP UCM) after obtaining his PhD degree in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations at Complutense University of Madrid with outstanding cum laude and international mention (2022). Accredited by ANECA as Assistant Professor Doctor (2023). His research focuses on ICT in education, online information services, information literacy and video games as virtual and digital educational resources. He has complemented his training with a master's degree in Big Data & Business Intelligence at University of Lleida. He is a member of the International Fiction Story Analysis and Documentary Format Creation Group and secretary of the Spanish Society for Video Game Science (SECIVI).

Bruno Castillejo De Hoces, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Bruno Castillejo de Hoces. He is PhD student in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid. His research is focused on the detection of fake news in the health sector. He has developed his professional activity in the world of digital marketing and data analysis. He has completed his training with a master's degree in Digital Marketing from the Complutense University of Madrid.


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