Effective communication of science: what is it and how can it help every scientists to improve their career and to achieve societal impact objectives? Literature review

Main Article Content

Alejandra Campos

The main objective of this work is to present a state of the art on the effective communication of science, as well as recommendations to the whole scientific community, based on a bibliographic review that follows the principles of scoping reviews.
The European Union has detected that one of the challenges is to improve the effective communication of funded projects. Although dissemination is the way scientists reach other scientists with their publications and advances, public funding agencies not only expect scientific impact, but also demand social impact. As conclusions, the effective communication of science allows promoting any scientific career, meeting the demands of social responsibility and positioning science as the basis of social development. The professional and academic community in communication area has wide possibilities in this field, both in career development and in research opportunities.

Science communication, Scientific communication, Effective communication, Broad audiences, Public financing, Societal impact

Article Details

How to Cite
Campos, Alejandra. “Effective communication of science: what is it and how can it help every scientists to improve their career and to achieve societal impact objectives? Literature review”. Hipertext.net, no. 24, pp. 23-39, doi:10.31009/hipertext.net.2022.i24.03.
Author Biography

Alejandra Campos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Alejandra Campos.  She's senior advisor of the International Projects Office at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is a researcher in the Doctoral Program in Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Since 2012 he has been advising research staff on international competitive projects, mainly in calls for European framework programmes. He has worked in the publishing and communication sector in Buenos Aires; and in Barcelona as an engineer for interdisciplinary research and innovation projects and also in science communication in the production of museums and interpretation centers. She has a degree in systems from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and a computer engineer by homologation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.