Noms de plantes en occità de la Vall d'Aran. Les delegacions de la farigola i el timó de muntanya
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Aitor Carrera i Baiget
Eastern Pyrenean Gascon (including the varieties spoken in the Valley of Aran) has been the object of study of numerous publications in which plant names are often found. However, these studies commonly contain gaps and contradictions, so that it is rarely possible to establish detailed, exhaustive lists of the forms used in certain areas and places. Relying on twenty years' dialectal surveys (which will one day allow us to devise a new Aranese linguistic atlas), this article is an attempt to account for and determine the territorial distribution of the names of two vegetal species : those referring to thyme (timó/farigola) and those referring to wild thyme (serpoll/timó de muntanya). In the first case, there are both native and imported terms. In the second case, there is an affricatedarticulation outside of places where the change from -ll' to -[tʃ] is regular. It seems that it involves just a couple of examples that reveal the existence of geolinguistic differences within this small mountain area, but which point to the need for a more in-depth examination of the plant names there.
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How to Cite
Carrera i Baiget, Aitor. “Noms de plantes en occità de la Vall d’Aran. Les delegacions de la farigola i el timó de muntanya”. Estudis Romànics, vol.VOL 44, pp. 115-40,
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