"Per Santa Llúcia, un pas de puça". Crecer y decrecer de los días, refranes del calendario,

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José Enrique Gargallo i Gil
Calendar proverbs contribute to reinforcing the idea of a Romance commonness. Those referring to the course of the year (dates and other time periods) constitute a backdrop of popular culture shared by a large part of the European Romance world. A kind of Romania continua that excludes the most eastern Romanceness, represented by Romanian. A Romance continuum which this article seeks to reveal through the contribution and the analysis of a selected sample of proverbs related to the waxing and waning of the days throughout the annual solar cycle. Commonness of structure and original cause of this calendar of proverbs that vividly manifests itself from the winter solstice until the month of February, a succession of days or waxing landmarks that I usually call the Romance series of Saint Lucia.

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Com citar
Gargallo i Gil, José Enrique. “‘Per Santa Llúcia, un pas de puça’. Crecer y decrecer de los días, refranes del calendario”,. Estudis Romànics, vol.VOL 24, pp. 109-37, https://raco.cat/index.php/Estudis/article/view/237563.

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