Integrated goods transport centres in Catalonia and their situation with regard to Europe
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Alfons Rodríguez i Bayraguet
Although the establishment of integrated goods transport centres has a certain delay in Catalonia in relation to Europe, there are several projects in progress, such as the Logistic Activity Zone of the Autonomous Port of Barcelona, the Integrated Goods Transport Centres in the Vallès Oriental ant he Baix Lloberegat, and other installations that are considered as complementary ones also described in this article. These installations should allow to reach in a short period of time an important improvement in transport organization. These logistic centres are at important traffic points which have a great strategic value.
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Rodríguez i Bayraguet, Alfons. “Integrated goods transport centres in Catalonia and their situation with regard to Europe”. Espais: revista del Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques, no. 26, pp. 4-9,