Print ISSN: 0212-4521
Online ISSN: 2174-6486

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Enseñanza de las Ciencias (ISSN 0212-4521) it has grown as an obligued point of reference, specially among the professionals from mathematical and sciences teaching field in Spain. In connection with the sciences teaching field, it wants to go into the theory base of published studies and research in depth, to bring reflexions about linked to the state and the perspectives of the different lines of priority research at present, and promote interpretative works that allow to advance in the understanding of significant problems linked to the scientific learning. The journal wants to promote the studies that correspond to the needs of the science and mathematical teachers. These studies should go into the impact of different educative practices in depth, either in the classroom or in informal contexts.

Vol. 39 No. 1 (2021)

Context, inquiry and modelling to move lower secondary students’ explanations

Mª Rut Jiménez-Liso, Luis Delgado, Francisco J. Castillo-Hernández, Isabel Baños


The regulation of epistemological obstacles in the learning of evolution

Gastón Pérez, Alma Adrianna Gómez Galindo, Leonardo González Galli


Pre-service teachers’ discourse when describing and defining geometric solids

Alfonso J. González-Regaña, Verónica Martín-Molina, Rocío Toscano, Aurora Fernández-León, José María Gavilán-Izquierdo


Ethnological Museums as Citizens’ Educational Instruments for Sustainability

Laura Redondo Castillo, Amparo Vilches Pena, Daniel Gil-Pérez


Climate change in high school Pedagogical contributions to its approach

Laura O. Bello Benavides, Gloria Elena Cruz Sánchez, Pablo Ángel Meira Cartea, Édgar Javier González Gaudiano


What do Chilean teachers believe and do when teaching Biology in Secondary Education?

Eduardo Ravanal Moreno, Francisco López-Cortés, Elias Amórtegui Cedeño


Secondary Education students’ preconceptions of slope

Martha Iris Rivera López, Crisólogo Dolores Flores


Textbook activities. their contribution to the development of the scientific literacy

Susana García Barros, Cristina Martínez Lossada, Juan Rivadulla López


Nature of science in a virtual learning object for prospective science teachers

Filipe Faria Berçot, Andrea Revel Chion, Agustín Adúriz-Bravo


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