Opinions of brazilian young students about their science classes and evolution: results of a nationwide study
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Ana Maria Santos-Gouw
São Paulo University. Faculty of Education and EDEVO Research Nucleus
Helenaja Mota Rios Pereira
São Paulo University. Faculty of Education and EDEVO Research Nucleus
Nelio Bizzo
São Paulo University. Faculty of Education and EDEVO Research Nucleus
This paper presents the results of the application of the international project “The Relevance of Science Education” (ROSE) on a nationwide scale in Brazil. The project in Brazil seeks to meet youngster’s interest in science, technology, environmental problems, science classes and biological evolution. The data, drawn from 84 schools and 2365 students from all Brazilian states, indicated Brazilian youth’s views about science classes and biological evolution. Brazilians consider school science interesting, although they do not consider it easy. In relation to a future job, Brazilian youth doesn’t have interest in scientific career and with regards to the positioning about the theory of biological evolution, Brazilian students do accept the evidence of natural evolution mechanisms, but still have doubts about the common ancestry.
Paraules clau
relevance of science, science classes, biological evolution
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Com citar
Santos-Gouw, Ana Maria et al. “Opinions of brazilian young students about their science classes and evolution: results of a nationwide study”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, no. Extra, pp. 3222-7, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ensenanza/article/view/308306.
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