Darwin, els camps d'extermini i el pensament pedagògic del neoliberalisme

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Albert Esteruelas i Teixidó
In this article we go further into the importance of extermination camps in our
society from a socio-political perspective. Firstly, we argue that neither the Shoah nor
the camps are a product of modernity, but rather due to the birth of postmodernity
and neoliberalism. Secondly, we present the Lager as a way of understanding our contemporaneity.
Thirdly, we analyse some similarities between the politics of the Lager
and nowadays. Fourthly, we discuss precariousness as a form of common government.
Fifthly, we confirm the paramount role of regulation based on inequality and neoliberal
deregulation as that which is found at the core of an animalization of the
human being. In sixth place, we reflect on the relationship between nature and culture,
common to neoliberalism and to the camps, which gives rise to the infra-man, an aspect which we deal with by way of conclusion.

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How to Cite
Esteruelas i Teixidó, Albert. “Darwin, els camps d’extermini i el pensament pedagògic del neoliberalisme”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 21, pp. 159-83, https://raco.cat/index.php/EducacioHistoria/article/view/267830.