La Trampa de Rousseau. O com es pot saltar del convencionalisme al civisme

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Anna Gómez Mundó
Antonieta Carreño i Aguilar
This text presents a reading of Rousseau from his political dimension and
following a current perspective. With an approach to the conception and discussion
of the elements that make up the political project in his work the Social Contract
that is: justice, morality and reason, the authors delve into considering modernity
from the assumption of liberal civil conventionalism. The public space is, therefore,
the crux that makes it possible to thresh out the arguments conditioning humans that
spreads far beyond that of nature and gives meaning to an education aware of one of
its most important intrinsic purposes.

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How to Cite
Gómez Mundó, Anna; and Carreño i Aguilar, Antonieta. “La Trampa de Rousseau. O com es pot saltar del convencionalisme al civisme”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 19, pp. 55-69,

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