The social form of the secret. Gendered bodies, senses and menstruation

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Olga Sabido-Ramos

 In this article, I am going to show how the social form of the secret in Simmel’s sense traverses the sensorial experience of menstruation and perception policies towards menstruation. To achieve the above, I have divided the article into three sections. In the first, I give a summary of state-of-the-art critical studies on menstruation, which allow us to think of menstruation as an object of study in sociology and to underpin this proposal. Second, using Simmel’s relational sociology and sensory studies approach, I show that one of the mechanisms of perception policies towards menstruation has been to keep it secret. Third, I present a sociology of senses related to the secret of menstruation based on the findings of a recent study. The findings show that, although there are tendencies to re-signify the experience of menstruation in solidarity with friends, perception policies prevail that lead women to hide menstruation from intimates and strangers. On the other hand, although the odours of menstruation have been and continue to be stigmatized, the use of new artifacts or menstrual hygiene techniques allows a certain resignification of the menstrual smell, although this requires certain material conditions of possibility. 


Simmel, secret, bodies, senses, gender

Article Details

How to Cite
Sabido-Ramos, Olga. “The social form of the secret. Gendered bodies, senses and menstruation”. Digithum, no. 28, pp. 1-11, doi:10.7238/d.v0i28.396384.
Author Biography

Olga Sabido-Ramos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco

Professor of Sociology at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexico). She is a member of the Research Area Theory and Sociological Thought, Sociology Department. Her main research focus are relational sociology, sensory studies, and sociology of emotions. She has published extensively on these areas. She is the author of El cuerpo como recurso de sentido en la construcción del extraño (Séquitur, 2012). She published Georg Simmel. Una revisión contemporánea (Anthropos, 2007) and co-edited with Adriana García Cuerpo y afectividad en la sociedad contemporánea (UAM, 2012). Her latest edited book is Los sentidos del cuerpo. Un giro sensorial en la investigación social y los estudios de género (CIEG, 2019). She is part of the editorial board of Simmel Studies.


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