Review of the book Los sentidos del cuerpo: Un giro sensorial en la investigación social y los estudios de género. Center for Gender Research and Studies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 2019.

Main Article Content

Einer Mosquera Acevedo

This collective endeavour is a recent contribution that, according to the foreword writer and international figure of renown in sensory sociology David Howes, makes a remarkable contribution to the matureness of the sensory turn in social sciences. For Howes this is a book that expresses solidly the consolidation of a stance regarding what he considers an appropriate study of the body, emotions and senses; i.e. understanding them as constructions and configurations produced by a constant interrelation between people and the material and social world surrounding them. Howes takes up on the review of work lines that he considers fundamental for the maturation of the sensory turn as axes that in one way or another are present in the different contributions to the book. The Canadian researcher highlights the adequate handling of the methodological strategies and the high grade of theoretical sophistication in each chapter.

Sociology, sensory turn, emotions, senses, artefacts

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How to Cite
Mosquera Acevedo, Einer. “Review of the book Los sentidos del cuerpo: Un giro sensorial en la investigación social y los estudios de género. Center for Gender Research and Studies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 2019”. Digithum, no. 26, doi:10.7238/d.v0i26.374149.
Author Biography

Einer Mosquera Acevedo, University of Antioquia

Teacher of Sociological Theories.

Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

Department of Sociology

University of Antioquia.




SABIDO, Olga. Georg Simmel y los sentidos: una sociología relacional de la percepción. In: Revista Mexicana de Sociología. 2017. Vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 373-400. ISSN 0188-2503.

SABIDO, Olga (Coord.). Los sentidos del cuerpo. El giro sensorial en la investigación social y los estudios de género. Mexico City: Center for Gender Research and Studies, UNAM, 2019. ISBN 978-607-30-2505-8.

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