Sentimental education in the 21st century. Myths and emotions in the Twilight saga

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Isaac Gonzàlez

In this article, I look into some of the key elements of sentimental education, or emotional education in the broadest sense of the term, that are conveyed through a set of films that were extremely successful and popular among young and adolescent audiences a few years ago: the Twilight saga. The thesis that we put forward here is that, at a mythological level, this cinematographic saga (as well as the novels by the same name, which have not been analysed in this study) recreate a key factor in the mythological fabric of contemporary times in relation to the role of emotions in the structuring of society (Illouz, 1997).

emotions, emotional education, sociology, Twilight

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How to Cite
Gonzàlez, Isaac. “Sentimental education in the 21st century. Myths and emotions in the Twilight saga”. Digithum, no. 18, pp. 34-42, doi:10.7238/d.v0i18.2891.
Author Biography

Isaac Gonzàlez, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya