Emotions in motion. How feelings are considered in the scope of migration sociological studies

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Yvonne Albrecht

The subject of this article deals with the manner in which emotions have so far been considered in sociological migration studies. Existing works focus primarily on emotions in a pathological or therapeutic way, so it has to be stated, that the often postulated emotional turn in social sciences has not yet fully reached the area of migration. So the valuable analytical potential of a perspective based on the sociology of emotions is not completely exploited because that would imply focusing on the general functions of emotions in contexts of migration. This article introduces interesting works which already deal with the carrying concepts of emotion work and emotional transnationality and suggests guidelines on how to broaden these analytical views in a non-pathological direction.

emotion, migration, emotion work, emotional transnationality, functions of emotions

Article Details

How to Cite
Albrecht, Yvonne. “Emotions in motion. How feelings are considered in the scope of migration sociological studies”. Digithum, no. 18, pp. 25-33, doi:10.7238/d.v0i18.2870.
Author Biography

Yvonne Albrecht, PhD, Department of Social Sciences, University of Kassel (Germany)
