Digithum 17 - The First Issue of a New Era

Main Article Content

Natàlia Cantó-Milà
Narcís Figueras
Francesc Núñez
The journal Digithum publishes its 17th issue, which reflects the latest developments in terms of the new editorial line. As we already explained in our last issue, we have decided to turn this journal into a purely academic journal with a strong international focus and a dedication to a specific, albeit wide, thematic range.
relational perspective, social sciences, humanities, culture, emotions, theory, editorial line

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How to Cite
Cantó-Milà, Natàlia et al. “Digithum 17 - The First Issue of a New Era”. Digithum, no. 17, pp. 1-2, doi:10.7238/d.v0i17.2719.