El monitoreo pedagógico en el desempeño profesional docente

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Luis Reynaldo TantaleánOdar
Mariela Janeth Vargas Velásquez
Oscar López Regalado
The results of the investigation that we exhibit beforehand demonstrate the influence of the pedagogic monitoring in the professional performance of the teachers. Initially it was elaborated, validated and used a card of record of the monitoring, which allowed to compare the professional performance of the teachers with a foreseen standard. The constant evaluation propitiated the influence of the monitoring in the performance of the teachers; with the simple exigency of the duties the educational performance was improving, but the results were more encouraging when there were executed activities of accompaniment and pedagogic advice. The results were processed in groups and individually, in order to obtain more useful and reliable information.
Paraules clau
Monitoreo, Supervisión, Acompañamiento, Desempeño

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Com citar
TantaleánOdar, Luis Reynaldo et al. “El monitoreo pedagógico en el desempeño profesional docente”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 33, pp. 1-11, https://raco.cat/index.php/DIM/article/view/306806.