A Love Song That Returns. Or How To Get a Voice Back
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Andreu, Marta. “A Love Song That Returns. Or How To Get a Voice Back”. Comparative Cinema, vol.VOL 12, no. 22, pp. 175-03, doi:10.31009/cc.2024.v12.i22.10.


In 2003, I filmed the portrait of a Catalan poet, Lala Blay, to explore the relationship between her, her poems and the world. The film was left undone, the tapes kept in a box, and I stopped creating. Twenty years later, I found by chance a new word, solastalgia, which designates the melancholy caused by the loss of home. From that moment on, a question began to haunt me. What if the image were this home? What if the link that binds us to it had to do with a sense of belonging? And what if this link were broken? This is how I opened the box again, but what seemed an approach to understanding loss will become a return to creation, where the voice will be crucial. To return implies recovering a filmic voice and being aware of the distance that separates and unites it from all things.


Solastàlgia, Conferència Performàtica, Pèrdua de pertinença, Distància, Veu, Imatge-casa, Cinema desplaçat, Pel.lícula parlada, Traducció, Exili Solastalgy, Performative conference, Loss of belonging, Distance, Voice, Image-home, Displaced cinema, Spoken film, Translation, Exile
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