Apps i automatismes, oportunitats amb propòsit per a l'aprenentatge de la Tecnologia mitjançant projectes

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Jordi Villar
Sílvia Zurita
Francesc Giménez
Creativity and ICTs are key elements of the Technologic process that can be included in Technology teaching through Project-Based Learning Methodologies. This didactic approach allow to develop projects open to new solutions, creative and innovative. In this articlewe propose three projectes applied in secondary schools where students solve problems (managing a bar, creating and atomated music band, designing of an App), using and developing knowledges about programming and ICT-mediated design. We discuss the propertiesof this kind of activities and propose advices to develop similar activities.
Creativity, ICTs, PBL, Apps

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How to Cite
Villar, Jordi et al. “Apps i automatismes, oportunitats amb propòsit per a l’aprenentatge de la Tecnologia mitjançant projectes”. Ciències: revista del professorat de ciències de Primària i Secundària, no. 33, pp. 29-34,