Estudi de la qualitat físico-química de les aigües dels curs baix del riu congost al llarg de l'any 1982

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Roser Rubio i Rovira
Gemma Rauret i Dalmau
The Besòs basin is one of the most polluted aras in Catalonia, basically
due to the high discharge of industrial and domestic effluents and the insuficient waste water treatment plants. The Congost river is a 41 Km long tributary of Besòos river so the study of his water quality is necessary to carry out an overall study of the basin.

In the present work the study of the physicochemical quality of the
lower watercourse of the Congost river is carried out in five sampling points and in three wells at 50 m near the river.

The parameters measured are: temperature, pH, conductivity, alkalinity,
total hardness, chloride, non filtrable residue, chemical oxygen demand,
ammoniacal nitrogen, organic + ammoniacal nitrogen, detergents,
phosphates, hexavalent chromium, total cyanide, biochemical oxygen demand, and nitrite. All parameters were measured once a month during 1982.

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Cómo citar
Rubio i Rovira, Roser; y Rauret i Dalmau, Gemma. «Estudi de la qualitat físico-química de les aigües dels curs baix del riu congost al llarg de l’any 1982». Butlletí de les Societats Catalanes de Física, Química, Matemàtiques i Tecnologia, vol.VOL 6, n.º 2, pp. 239-62,

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