Extreme storm effects on Posidonia oceanica meadows and on collective environmental awareness

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Candela Marco-Méndez
Jordi F. Pagès
Xavier Seglar
Gregori Muñoz-Ramos

Extreme storms are characterized by strong winds, rain, floods, overflowing rivers and intense wave action, which give them an extraordinary destructive capacity. Their effects on the coast are usually evidenced through damage to infrastructure, which affects goods and services. Storms also affect the cultural landscape, highlighting the effects of climate change on the relationship between humans and nature. The main objective of this article is to discuss the impact of storms on ecosystems and to evaluate the elements and mechanisms that determine their regression and resilience. We will discuss how the Glòria storm (2020) affected the Posidonia meadows of the Catalan coast, with a special focus on the meadow of Mataró and its evolution in the last 25 years. We will also consider how storms and their consequences can change or improve social perception and the population’s attitude towards coastal vegetation and the associated services.

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How to Cite
Marco-Méndez, Candela et al. “Extreme storm effects on Posidonia oceanica meadows and on collective environmental awareness”. Atzavara, L’, vol.VOL 33, pp. 87-98, https://raco.cat/index.php/Atzavara/article/view/411725.