Comportament de la llum
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Jesep M. Valls
Escola Pia de Nostra Senyora - Centre de Recursos de Ciències Pau Martí, Barcelona
Marta Segura
Escola Pia de Nostra Senyora - Centre de Recursos de Ciències Pau Martí, Barcelona
Light is something we know from the day of our birth. Without light there is no life, but light has qualities that are sometimes unknown to us. Here we present these qualities: the operation of light rays studied in geometric optics. We find reflection and refraction in mirrors and lenses. Laser light helps us in experiments. The wave character of light can be observed experimentally with interference and diffraction. It is also very interesting to enter the world of colours: trichromy based on the way the human eye sees the colours and its technological applications. Polarization is another phenomenon that has applications in current technology. And fluorescence, light that comes from light, is a source of wonder for all people.
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Com citar
Valls, Jesep M.; and Segura, Marta. “Comportament de la llum”. Atzavara, L’, vol.VOL 27, pp. 89-92,