Programming with artistic aims or software art

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Amy Alexander

Amy Alexander has been working in net art and software art since 1996. In the interview she tells us more about the context of her first software art projects with the boom of copy on the Internet, and about Plagiarist, her first artwork on the web. After this, she tells us how the development of her work has been including performance, up to her latest works where she is mixing software art and performance with imaginary friends. Today, she is Assistant Teacher in Visual Art at the University of California, San Diego.

Interviewed by Pau Alsina, Artnodes collaborator, at Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, on June 2004.

Watch the video interview [YouTube - 12 min]

software, DJ, algorithm, geek

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How to Cite
Alexander, Amy. “Programming with artistic aims or software art”. Artnodes, no. 4, doi:10.7238/a.v0i4.733.