The journal Ar@cne: 1997 - 2006

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Horacio Capel
Jeffer Chaparro Mendivelso
The Ar@cne electronical journal, which is part of the publishing series of Geocrítica, has turned ten years and has published 90 numbers between the years 1997 and 2006. We present a general balance of its performance during this period, that includes the consolidation stages, the recent made changes, the basic bibliometric analysis of its contents and the first approach to the current status of its diffusion. The global balance is highly positive, and it must be framed within the logic associated to the quality information that uses Internet as source of information and the network as diffusion mechanism of the knowledge.

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How to Cite
Capel, Horacio; and Chaparro Mendivelso, Jeffer. “The journal Ar@cne: 1997 - 2006”. Ar@cne: revista electrónica de recursos en internet sobre geografía y ciencias sociales,

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