Challenges for free access electronic journals in Iberoamerica. Pertinent of the first day on spanish electronic scientific journals in open access

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Jeffer Chaparro Mendivelso
At the present time, the way toward the digital model of production and diffusion of the knowledge is generating different and strong changes. The undeniable benefits of the digital model are contrasted by serious tensions that, in great measure, arise for the resistance to change and the reluctance to transform the evaluation pattern or to modify the own academic habits. The “I working day about Spanish Electronic Journals in Open Access: ideas to improve their visibility and evaluation”, celebrated on June the 27th 2006 in Madrid, treated of these topics of relevance, that is the reason why we decided to carry out the present document beginning from oral interventions and the own reflections.

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How to Cite
Chaparro Mendivelso, Jeffer. “Challenges for free access electronic journals in Iberoamerica. Pertinent of the first day on spanish electronic scientific journals in open access”. Ar@cne: revista electrónica de recursos en internet sobre geografía y ciencias sociales,

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