Changes in heart rate recovery index after a programme of strength/endurance training in hypoxia
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Ginés Viscor
Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia
Jesús Álvarez-Herms
Sonia Julià-Sánchez
Francesc Corbi
Teresa Pagès
To determine whether twelve sessions of resistance training on lower limbs at simulated altitude (2500m) were efficient to elicit an improvement in heart rate recovery index in the first 3min of recovery after a maximal jump test.
Materials and methods
Twelve young physically active subjects were divided in two balanced groups for training in hypoxia (HYP) and normal oxygen (NOR). The subjects were assigned to each group based on previous test results in the 60s counter-movement jump test (CMJ60).
Both groups performed identical strength training (volume, intensity, character and effort conditions) on the lower limbs (squats, half-squats and jumps) for 4 weeks. Both groups improved the measured parameters in all cases. We analyzed the time course of heart rate during the CMJ60 test and the subsequent 3min recovery period. HYP group (n=5) improved the heart rate recovery index as compared to NOR group (Student's t-test) at minute 2 (P=0.03) and minute 3 (P=0.05).
We conclude that a protocol of resistance training on lower limbs (12 sessions in 4 weeks) at a simulated altitude could improve heart rate recovery index compared to the same training performed at sea level.
To determine whether twelve sessions of resistance training on lower limbs at simulated altitude (2500m) were efficient to elicit an improvement in heart rate recovery index in the first 3min of recovery after a maximal jump test.
Materials and methods
Twelve young physically active subjects were divided in two balanced groups for training in hypoxia (HYP) and normal oxygen (NOR). The subjects were assigned to each group based on previous test results in the 60s counter-movement jump test (CMJ60).
Both groups performed identical strength training (volume, intensity, character and effort conditions) on the lower limbs (squats, half-squats and jumps) for 4 weeks. Both groups improved the measured parameters in all cases. We analyzed the time course of heart rate during the CMJ60 test and the subsequent 3min recovery period. HYP group (n=5) improved the heart rate recovery index as compared to NOR group (Student's t-test) at minute 2 (P=0.03) and minute 3 (P=0.05).
We conclude that a protocol of resistance training on lower limbs (12 sessions in 4 weeks) at a simulated altitude could improve heart rate recovery index compared to the same training performed at sea level.
Article Details
How to Cite
Viscor, Ginés et al. “Changes in heart rate recovery index after a programme of strength/endurance training in hypoxia”. Apunts: Medicina de l’esport, vol.VOL 47, no. 173, pp. 23-29,
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