Educar para ser hoy. Una perspectiva de educación diferente y creativa

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M. Concepció Torres Sabaté

This article presents the reality of the school and its educational contrasts from a free school, flexible, open ... and based on some starting projects currently in various places in the world with a historical perspective that argues and supports this model.
Pedagogical questions some aspects have been forgotten in our classrooms, but some centers have recovered thanks to the efforts of teachers and families.

Paraules clau
education, creativity, school change, society, reality

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Com citar
Torres Sabaté, M. Concepció. “Educar para ser hoy. Una perspectiva de educación diferente y creativa”. Universitas Tarraconensis. Revista de Ciències de l’Educació, no. 2, pp. 73-82, doi:10.17345/ute.2011.2.615.