A Class of 2-Head Finite Automata for Linear Languages
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Benedek Nagy
Both deterministic and non-deterministic nite state machines (automata) recognize regular languages exactly. Now we extend these machines using two heads to characterize even-linear and linear languages. The heads move in opposite directions in these automata. For even-linear languages, deterministic automata have the same eciency as non-deterministic ones, but for the general case (linear languages) only the non-deterministic version is sucient. We compare our automata to other two-head automata as well.
Palabras clave
language, literature, computation
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Cómo citar
Nagy, Benedek. «A Class of 2-Head Finite Automata for Linear Languages». Triangle: llenguatge, literatura, computació, n.º 8, pp. 89-99, https://raco.cat/index.php/triangle/article/view/388849.
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