La educación física y el deporte en el contexto ilustrado y liberal de la primera Constitución española (1800-1814)

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Xavier Torrebadella Flix

The incipient liberal atmosphere in the early XIX century Spain impulsed the principle of universal education, an argument that was on the table since the end of the Age of  Enlightenment. For the first time, among others proposals, there was the idea of a public education national plan in which Physical Education was present with  a regenerationist approach. The main challenges for the Spanish Physical Education in the XIX and early XX century were marked out in the political context of the first Spanish Constitution. The conjuncture of the French invasion of Spain also marked the Physical Education and the Sport with a military stamp.

Physical Education and Sport, Cádiz Cortes, Spanish Enlightment

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How to Cite
Torrebadella Flix, Xavier. “La educación física y el deporte en el contexto ilustrado y liberal de la primera Constitución española (1800-1814)”. Rubrica Contemporanea, vol.VOL 2, no. 04, pp. 73-99,
Author Biography

Xavier Torrebadella Flix, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Xavier Torrebadella has Graduated in Physical Education at the University of Barcelona and has a PhD from the University of Lleida. He teaches Physical Education at the Centro de Alto Rendimiento in Sant Cugat del Vallès, and he is an adjunct lecturer in the School of Education at the UAB. He is an specialist in history of the Physical Education and Sport in Spain.