El papel del eslogan en la actitud hacia la marca: una tentativa de estudio experimental

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José Antonio Muñiz Velázquez
In the current  work  we approach to the figure of the slogan in  relation to its role in the formation or modification of consumer attitudes towards a brand  In order to explain the importance that slogan has in attitudes, we present a study in which we try to veriJY if the presentation of certain brands close to its  slogan gives more favorable attitudes  towards these brands, than  we could obtain  with  the presentation of the same brands without their slogans. Final/y, we indicate the empírica! difficulty that we find in this area of research, as well as the long way that is to cross in the scientific investigation of advertising communication if we want to unders­tand  more thoroughly not only the operational mechanism of the slogan, but the operational mechanism of the whole advertising message.
Slogan, Attitude, Consumer, Brand

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How to Cite
Muñiz Velázquez, José Antonio. “El papel del eslogan en la actitud hacia la marca: una tentativa de estudio experimental”. Questiones Publicitarias, vol.VOL 1, no. 10, pp. 119-42, https://raco.cat/index.php/questionespublicitarias/article/view/349860.