La sociedad civil china en la teoría anglófona de los años noventa
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Xavier Ortells-Nicolau
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació i d'Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental
In 1989, the student movement in Tian’anmen Square, and the publication of the English translation of Jürgen Habermas’ The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, directed the interest of numerous scholars towards the social structure of reform China, and the incipient forms of the public sphere and social participation outside the reach of the State. This article draws an itinerary along some of the most prominent contributions from the English-speaking academia, and notes their main topics and theoretical challenges.
Paraules clau
China, sociedad civil, esfera pública, academia anglófona, años noventa
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Com citar
Ortells-Nicolau, Xavier. “La sociedad civil china en la teoría anglófona de los años noventa”. Inter Asia Papers, no. 49, pp. 1-21,
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