Medieval literature in SFL: adapted version of the Libro de los gatos (14th century)

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Antonio Doñas Beleña
Proposal of an activity for a SFL class based on the Libro de los gatos, Castilian collection of fables composed in the 15th century and derived from Odo of Cheriton’s Fabulae, written in Latin one century earlier. The original Castilian text is briefly presented and some activities linked to the reading of the text are described. Finally six adapted fables (level B2) are published alongside the original Castilian version.
Libro de los gatos, Medieval Literature, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Odo of Chériton, Didactic Literature, Medieval Fables

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How to Cite
Doñas Beleña, Antonio. “Medieval literature in SFL: adapted version of the Libro de los gatos (14th century)”. Doblele: revista de lengua y literatura, vol.VOL 3, pp. 4-16,