Spanish pronunciation problems in speakers whose L1 is Bulgarian

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Natalia Terrón Vinagre
The objective of this study is to find out the pronunciation problems of the Bulgarians to learn Spanish as a foreign language. The study focused on analysing errors segmental types. In this research, it is mentioned the importance of phonetic-phonological competence in the teaching of foreign languages and it is shown a view of the treatment of the pronunciation errors since the late nineteenth century to the present. Also, a Bulgarian-Spanish contrastive analysis is proposed as a basis for the study of the data obtained.
Spanish as a foreign language, Bulgarian, phonetics, pronunciation problems.

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How to Cite
Terrón Vinagre, Natalia. “Spanish pronunciation problems in speakers whose L1 is Bulgarian”. Doblele: revista de lengua y literatura, vol.VOL 2, pp. 36-61,